Paul's Internet Landfill/ lj/ The second step is admitting the problem is beyond your control

The second step is admitting the problem is beyond your control

Last week at the library I found a pamphlet which posed some interesting questions:

  1. Have you ever decided to stop surfing the Internet for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days? A couple of days? Good luck!

  2. Do you wish people would mind their own business about your Internet usage -- stop telling you what to do? _People don't poke their noses in much. They probably should. _

  3. Have you ever switched from one Internet activity to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting carried away? And how: web forums to e-mail to LJs to news sites to Ask Metafilter...

  4. Have you ever had to have an eye-opener upon wakening during the past year? Fortunately, I don't have Internet at home. But you had better believe I check my websites as soon as I get to an Internet terminal.

  5. Do you envy people who can surf the Internet without getting into trouble? And how. Why am I not like most people? Why can't I take it or leave it?

  6. Have you had problems connected with Internet usage during the past year?

_I have a wheelbarrow of missed deadlines to attest to that. _

  1. Has your Internet usage caused trouble at home? _I'll say. My late nights have caused conflict with my roommate. _

  2. Do you ever try to get "extra" Internet time at a terminal because you don't get enough? _ Sometimes. My biggest problem is that the Internet flows freely when I am working, because I have a workstation right in my office. _

  3. Do you tell yourself that you can stop using the Internet any time you want to, even though you keep overdoing it when you don't mean to? _ I used to. All the time. _

  4. Have you missed days of work or school because of Internet usage? _ Fortunately, I have not missed teaching a class. But I have missed many volunteer commitments because I got home too late and couldn't get up in time. _

  5. Do you have "blackouts"? _ Every day, kid. Hours disappear and I don't know where they go. _

  6. Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not use the Internet? _ Sure. Now try getting me a job that does not require me to have access to the Internet but is suited to my education, interests and/or skills. People think the Internet helps productivity, so they make it available everywhere. You can even get it wireless in libraries now! _

Let's see. 12 questions. Nine definite YES answers. The pamphlet says that if I score four or more yes answers I am probably having problems with Internet usage.

If people took web surfing as seriously as they took alcoholism maybe I would be in luck.

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